Monday, April 7, 2014

Even though the weather was glorious this past weekend (albeit a bit windy on Saturday), I only got a couple of photos. I passed up quite a few bikes because 1. Most of then were Linus rides or 2. I was in enough car traffic that I couldn't stop.

This was an interesting bike... it's a vintage Raleigh Grand Prix road bike from the 1970s. Completely not a Dutch-style bike by any means. However, the owner (or a previous one) put in the effort to replace the original drop handlebars with an upright sweep-back set and then added the front basket/rack. Along the 15th St bike track near Dupont.

A mixte frame Windsor Oxford parked in Georgetown. The interesting thing about this ride is the helmet locked up with it. I'm pretty sure that is not an actual bicycle safety helmet but rather a woman's equestrian helmet, aka a jockey helmet. I have no idea if it has the same safety standards as a bicycle helmet but I figure horse riding equipment has to have some kind of impact standard.

Which leads to a sore topic for many: riding with or without a helmet. In the District of Columbia, it is not illegal to ride without a helmet if you are over the age of 15. I do not ride with a helmet and my choice is based on the simple fact that just about all bike helmets look lame. So I give props to this owner for thinking outside the box, being a slave to fashion, and riding with something to protect her (I'm assuming it's a she) dome while looking good.

I do not deny the benefits of wearing a helmet for some low-speed accidents. I do not think it will save oneself, however, in a very serious collision with a car. I do other things to compensate for not wearing a helmet: I generally stop at all lights and stop signs. My head is constantly on a swivel looking at all directions, being aware of what's around me. I do not listen to music with ear buds on. I recognize that wearing a helmet doesn't make one invincible, unlike many that I see blow through stop lights/signs. My biggest fear, actually, is seeing someone get creamed in front of me while I'm waiting at the intersection. I don't think I could handle that.

All that said, I did order a new helmet on Sunday after picking up a new bike lock. The nagging of many others who care about me finally wore me down. Probably by this weekend, Mr. District Dutch will be sporting a matte grey Bern Watts helmet. I think the first thing I need to do to it is slap a MFB sticker on the back.

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