Monday, June 30, 2014

Today's post is my crappy photos edition. I don't know why but my iPhone took really bad photos this last batch... not that my photos are Pulitzer prize-winning quality to begin with. It's now very warm in DC which means that while I'm getting my cycling in around town, I'm also very sweaty. Maybe that's why my photos suck, because the phone is covered in sweat.

Found this ride interesting albeit a tad sad. Someone took a newish (1990s?) Schwinn city bike and hipstered it up a bit. It's been converted to a single-speed, has requisite hipster day-glo grips and plastic pedals. Chain and cranks are also anodized colored and, of course, a sleek saddle. Sad panda. :(

This one is parked in Columbia Heights by Ms. City Planner's place all the time. I forget the make and model of it but it's a nice bicycle. Owner leaves it locked up outside in all weather. This particular bike gives me hope that I haven't ruined my Brooks saddle when it gets a few rain drops on it if I forget to cover it. I have seen this thing out in torrential downpours without any protection and it still looks fine.

A Linus Gaston 3 in Columbia Heights. I've said it before, I'll say it again, I really like these style of bikes. There's the Pashley Guvnor, the owner of BicycleSPACE also has designed a similar model for his line of Kugler Cycles. Very sleek and sexy. This one has metal fenders with mud flaps added to it. Plastic milk crate is a nice tough although it's a tad large for my tastes.

A PUBLIC C7 bicycle also in Columbia Heights. I would say this one is relatively new, given how clean the cream-colored tires are. Those are a pain in the ass to clean, but if you use a magic eraser sponge on them, it makes the job much quicker and easier. You know you love your bicycle when you are willing to clean the tires.

An older V7i PUBLIC bike, again in Columbia Heights. It's older as it's in the cream color which PUBLIC has made in the V7 frame in awhile and it has the distinctive three stripes on the front fender. Also, which denotes it's quite old, it has the three stripes on the rear rim as well. They haven't put those on their bikes in a long time. Interesting facet to me is the head badge is on the down tube like on the M7 mixte frame bikes.

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