Now is the winter of our discontent. And man was i discontent this weekend. What was suppose to be a nice weekend turned out to be a really crappy one. The only riding I got was on Saturday going from Point A to B and then B to C. From B to C, I got DRENCHED. So, no photos of bicycles this past weekend. It actually snowed on Sunday. SNOWED.
So here's what I got for you: my own hipster ride, complete in all her glory... for now.
As I talked about in my previous accessories post, I've consciously accessorized my ride with vintagesque items. My front light is in that style. I went with a somewhat modern rear tail light because 1. I couldn't find a vintage-style rear light and 2. I would like not to get run over at night. The Brooks saddle is timeless of course. I have the vintage aluminium corked bottles and cage. I actually don't ride with the bottles often, I like to use the cages for wine. The double-sided kickstand seems to work well so far. And then the pièce de résistance is my wooden crate.
I've stained it and put a logo on the sides. Eukenbrau is my good friend Jamie's home brew label. He doesn't have a serious operation by any means but he has a cool last name that works well as a beer label and his beers are damn tasty. His father made up this logo for a X-mas t-shirt present. What better way to be more hipster around the District than to sport a beer crate for a beer label that NO ONE HAS HEARD OF? Hell yeah... on Friday morning, some guy noticed the logo while I was waiting at a light near U Street NW and asked where he can get Eukenbrau. The light turned green and I said "YOU CAN'T" as I sped off.
The crate is built to Soviet tank specifications so it can take serious abuse. I've also made it so there are vertical side inserts inside so you can separate bottles. There's two inserts... with only one in, you can get a row of three 16-20 oz bottles and then put two growlers in the larger compartment. The crate is bolted to my rear rack and there are additional drain holes. My father, who wanted me to be an engineer like all Asian fathers, would be so proud of the design.
But it's sort of opened Pandora's box. Now that I have access to a woodshop, my mind is thinking "WHAT ELSE CAN I CREATE???" I've had no less than three friends post this photo (or similar) on my Facebook:
Now part of me is seriously thinking about it. Sure would look bad ass at this year's D&Q Seersucker ride!
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