Tuesday, March 18, 2014

This winter in DC really sucks this year. Ton of snow days and really crappy weather in general. This was not the genteel south I was promised when I moved out here! While I managed to HTFU and ride about 97% of the days this winter, it really drains you. This last storm kinda broke my back... I don't want to touch my bicycle until it's really nice out. Which hopefully will be this weekend.

That said and whining aside, I still have to use my bike as my main transportation source in the District. I'm too cheap and too Asian to shell out for cabs/UberX these days and some of my friends live in areas that aren't that readily accessible by pubtranpso. I'm looking at you, goddamn X2 bus. So when it's a choice of sucking it up and riding in 10 minutes of freezing ass weather or taking somewhat warmer methods of public transportation but wasting 35 minutes to get there, I'll choose the bike every time. Ain't nobody got time for Metro!

Washington, DC has a lot of cool neighborhoods. They're all cool, really. And you get to see the District through different eyes when you ride through it. I pledged to this cool circle map that this letterpress guy in Portland (natch) kickstartered of four different cities he wanted to tour and make maps of. I think it does a really good job showcasing all the different neighborhoods that this city has to offer. And it makes it easy for a Simple Jack like me to see where I've been. Roadies talk about doing century bike rides (100 km)... this summer I'd like to do a circle bike ride - hit every circle on this map in a day. Except maybe Fort Totten. Fuck that hill.

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